Monday, July 4, 2011

Matthew 28:17...His mission...Our invitation...

Over the course of this past year, our third year class at the Little Rock Institute of Theology has had the opportunity to consider how God is calling us to serve. In the past ten months, we have studied the mission of Jesus Christ and that which he has handed us to fulfill with and for him.
His mission, as defined in our first class in September, is to save and heal us from our sins and brokenness. We are called to be the living presence of our unconditionally loving God and to bring all creation into the embrace of that love through embracing, teaching, healing, suffering, dying and resurrecting as Jesus showed us with his example.
Our June class further rooted his mission in Matthew 28:17-20, “...they saw him, they worshiped...Jesus approached and said to them, “...Go, therefore, to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always...” In italicizing the verbs in this passage, we contemplate his calling and directive. Many require action which can best be served by starting with consideration and preparation. The first two verbs, saw and worshiped, and the final verb, behold, in my understanding, are a call to prayer. How fitting to begin and end our mission with a conversation with God. Worshiped calls to my mind meditation, what we can do. Behold calls to my mind contemplation, what God does as defined in our December class on Spirituality.

And so to begin a new venture in following the Father's call and invitation, I start with prayer. Asking God's guidance...His will...His blessing. And then I listen...

As a parent, have you taken time this past week to see & worship?  What project or situation have you brought to God to ask His guidance?  When have you been a witness to or for God's unconditional love?

1 comment:

  1. Edward has certainly brought God to mind on several occasions for me, every week, if not every day. It is amazing to watch him grow and learn and find the world around him. And the thesis has definitely been offered up in prayer (when I haven't been feverishly working away at it). I hope I've been a witness... You'd have to ask the folks around me for that one :)
