Friday, July 1, 2011

A beginning...

"grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ". Philippians 1:2

Sitting in my brother"s kitchen, I am waiting the arrival of our son, daughter-in-law and favorite grandson. Given that Edward is our only grandchild so far gives him a period of favoritism! We are all gathering in middle Tennessee to celebrate the baptism of a beloved great grand niece. God has so blessed our family.
Anticipation of loved ones arrival gives one a chance to prepare for the joy that pours forth when we come together after a long separation. Although it has only been a month, that is half of our grandson"s life!
How do you keep aware of happenings in loved ones' lives? Especially those who live far away? Do you use the web? FaceTime? When was the last time you wrote a letter by hand?

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, I generally use the internet to communicate with loved ones. Facebook is always a good way to keep up with one or many. I've written a couple of cards recently, but those have usually been delivered by hand, rather than through the mail, and usually with a gift. And you know about how often I use facetime :)
