Sunday, July 31, 2011

Joy lasts...

You might have heard that I have recently finished my bachelor's degree in Theology. Being in the academic world for the past several years has been a real joy for me. Reading, reflecting, researching, discussing, and listening have been skills that have been honed through repeated use in the pursuit of a greater understanding of God. It seems that the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
My other realization is that God has created us to use the gifts he has given us, no matter what our stage in life. The intellect, our questioning, can either be nurtured and grow or can be neglected and wither. The same is true of our spiritual lives.
And that my formal classes are over, my plan is to read some books that have been calling out to me. The one I started today is by Sister Wendy Beckett and is titled Joy Lasts: on the Spiritual in Art. This rather small book contains Sr. Wendy's thoughts on the nature of art and how it relates to our spirit. As I prepare for a trip to Italy this October, I thought it would be a good idea to grow in my understanding of art and how to “look” at it. Sometimes with my eyes and intellect...sometimes with my heart and spirit.
Have you ever just sat and looked at a piece of visual art? Where did you see it? What made you look? The color, the texture, the form? Did it invoke any feelings?
Our church has the most beautiful stained glass windows. They have been in place for almost ninety years and even have a certain patina about them. I have to admit to just looking at them recently. From the vantage point of the choir loft, I enjoy looking at the tops of them which are made of shapes, fleur de lis and rich, jewel tone colors that glow in the sunlight. Words rather fail in describing their beauty, as do these photos, and perhaps that is where the spiritual meets the art. Hmmm...
I will share more from Sr. Wendy's book as I delve into it...Where have you experienced art this day? If you haven't yet, where might you find it?
Pax et bonum, cjt

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