Saturday, October 22, 2011


After almost 18 months of plannIng, praying, and dreaming, we are safely and wonderfully here. Right off I apologize for typos and grammatical errors. We arrived in Rome after 17 hours of flying. We are six women, three of us are sister in laws, five of us attended little rock institute of theology together. Two of us graduated from high school together. Four were baptized as infants at st. Edward's. Three of us have parents that graduated high school together in 1945. We kinda know each other!
Saturday in Roma was spent wandering the streets. Usually that would sound weird. Here it was a perfect afternoon. Campo d'fiori, piazza Navonna, piazza Farnese, and finally, gloriously, the pantheon. Sigh.
The other thing is that time is short! I will blog when I can. But now, at five a. M. Roma time, I must get ready. We are off to pick up our tickets to a papal mass which is a canonization for three people. Thank you, Abby-mark's friend, for getting them for us!!! There is so much to say!!! I will try to figure out how to add pics!
I give thanks and praise to God, the father-God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit- for all our many blessings. Be at my side, Lord. Andiamo!!!

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